Resultados: 3

Reanimação cardiopulmonar para leigos: avaliação de vídeos sob a perspectiva do letramento digital em saúde

Resumo Objetivo: analisar indicadores de qualidade e conteúdo técnico dos vídeos postados na plataforma YouTube, para leigos, sobre reanimação cardiopulmonar em adultos e sua produção audiovisual quanto aos princípios do letramento digital em saúde. Método: estudo descritivo, exploratório,...

Hospital care for elderly COVID-19 patients

Objective: to analyze the newspaper articles on hospital care for elderly COVID-19 patients in online newspapers. Method: documentary, retrospective, descriptive and exploratory research. The data were collected from articles published on open-access websites of 12 newspapers from the following countrie...

A critical examination of developments in nursing doctoral education in the United States

Graduate nursing education in the United States is undergoing major transformations, as a result of factors both within nursing and in the larger society.


In this paper the authors examine the trends and factors that are influencing the changes, especially in docto...